Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz Anchorage
Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz Anchorage

Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz

Brandenburg, Germany

Anchor allowed, Mooring buoys, Anchor stern to, Lines ashore

The anchorage in Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz is allowed. The seabed in Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz consists of sand. By anchoring in Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz, you can reach a water source fast by dinghy. Mooring buoys are also available in Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz. In Ketzin Bootslie

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Weather in Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz before your trip.

La météo

La région

Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz is located at 52⁰ 28' 11.36'' N and 12⁰ 50' 48.36'' E in Brandenburg, Germany

Brandenburg is composed of 14 municipalities and the largest are Cottbus and Frankfurt. These remarkable cities provide tourists with exclusive sightseeing possibilities, beautiful buildings, museums and botanical gardens. The Marble Palace is an imposing architectural marvel that will impress yo
Cette carte montre l'emplacement spécifique de Ketzin Bootsliegeplatz.