Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina
Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx Marina presents

Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx

Balearic Islands, Spain
Berth Characteristics
  • 475 berths
  • Max Length 36 m
  • Max Draught 4 m
Radio Channel

You can reach Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx by calling VHF9.

Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx is also identified as Yacht Club Puerto de Andratx and it specializes in organizing competitions and nautical races, in the waters of the Mediterranean. This is a cozy marina where all of the advantages of an amazing coastline can be felt. Its waterfront is simply brea

Facilities of Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx

  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Water
  • Electricity
Show all 22 facilities

2 Reviews

Value for money
Piers Monckton
October 2019
Verified Booking
Great destination. Convenience of marina location Friendly and helpful staff. very noisy music from the marina bar.
Sara Murray
August 2016
Verified Booking
Late arrival. Albert advised Club de Vela that we would be arriving very late and with only one engine operating. We arrived around 2200 and were met by staff with a flashing strobe light to guide us to the mooring. We plugged in the shore-power which worked and did not require our plug to be rewired by an electrician as in Pto Portals. We walked to a local restaurant which was very close and was excellent. No cause for any complaint.

Weather in Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx

We strongly advise you to check the weather in Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx before your trip.

Check weather

The neighborhood

Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx is located in Mallorca

This map shows Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx's specific location.


Marina Rules

At the Puerto de Andratx Sailing Club we are aware of the need to bring the Club's management closer to the satisfaction of our members, customers and users, always incorporating respect and protection of the environment in the development of all our activities, and for this The Club has a quality and environmental management system, in accordance with ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and Regulation 1221/2009 EMAS.

And in this sense, we commit ourselves to:


  • * Comply with applicable environmental legislation and regulations, as well as other requirements to which our company subscribes
  • * Maintain and improve the effectiveness of the Quality and Environmental Management System implemented
  • * Define and periodically review the objectives and goals of quality and environmental management established in compliance with this policy, within the process of continuous improvement of our activity
  • * Make a rational use of natural resources, especially water and electricity · Manage hazardous and non-hazardous waste produced by members, users and by the Club
  • * Take the necessary measures to prevent pollution
  • * Solve in an agile, satisfactory and cordial way the claims and queries of our partners, clients and users
  • * Maintain a system for identifying training needs and planning it, aimed at ensuring compliance of our staff and subcontractors with this policy, extending training and environmental awareness among our partners, customers and users of our facilities, especially among the youngest and within the Nautical Sports Schools, and external boat maintenance companies
  • * Encourage the performance of complementary nautical activities with social and / or sporting relevance as well as collaborate in the dissemination of tourism in the environment
  • * Review this policy at least annually in order to ensure its continued adequacy


And for this reason, the Puerto de Andratx Sailing Club makes this policy and objectives available to staff, clients and society in general.


The Restrictive Policy doesn't allow any refund.