Cala d’en Sardina is a Recommended Anchorage.
The anchorage in Cala d’en Sardina is allowed.
The seabed in Cala d’en Sardina consists of sand, rocks and seaweed.
You can reach Cala d’en Sardina at the following coordinates: 39° 03' 16.2000" N
The anchorage in Cala d’en Sardina is allowed.
The seabed in Cala d’en Sardina consists of sand, rocks and seaweed.
You can reach Cala d’en Sardina at the following coordinates: 39° 03' 16.2000" N and 1° 20' 10.0000" E on the Spanish part of the Balearic (Iberian Sea).
The anchorage in Cala d’en Sardina is allowed.
The seabed in Cala d’en Sardina consists of sand, rocks and seaweed.
You can reach Cala d’en Sardina at the following coordinates: 39° 03' 16.2000" N
The anchorage in Cala d’en Sardina is allowed.
The seabed in Cala d’en Sardina consists of sand, rocks and seaweed.
You can reach Cala d’en Sardina at the following coordinates: 39° 03' 16.2000" N and 1° 20' 10.0000" E on the Spanish part of the Balearic (Iberian Sea).
Seabed of fine mud
Cala d’en Sardina's seabed is made of fine mud.
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