You can reach ACI Marina Supetarska Draga by calling VHF17.
Supetarska Draga ACI Marina lies in the village of the same name, on the island of Rab, on the Croatian coast. The natural bay in which this port stands has a charming natural beauty and a large surface where boats and yachts can moor. Fishing and tourism are the two most important activities in thi
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We strongly advise you to check the weather in ACI Marina Supetarska Draga before your trip.
Check weatherACI Marina Supetarska Draga is located in Primorje-Gorski Kotar
Entering ACI Marina Supetarska Draga. Landmarks when approaching the harbor from north or west are Cape Sorinj, on which there is a lighthouse (Fl 3s 10m 6M) and the lighthouse on Cape Kalifront (Fl (3) 10s 11m 8M).
The lighthouse on Cape Sorinj can be used as a way point (44°50,7’ N 14°41,0’ E). Between Kamporska Draga and Supetarska Draga attention should be paid to Maman Islet with its shallow coast.
ACI marina Supetarska Draga lies at the end of Supetarska Draga. The breakwater of the marina is about 200 m long and on its head there is a red lighthouse (Fl R 5s 7m 4M). When approaching the marina from south, one passes Cape Kanitaj and then proceeds towards Cape Kalifront.
At night, from Cape Kalifront one should take course towards Cape Sorinj until the red lighthouse of the marina comes in sight.
Note: Official navigational charts recommended (Official Navigational Charts – publisher HHI Split): 100-18 and MK-7.
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